High level summary of the responses received. We are pleased with the number of people who participated, and the total feedback provided.

This is just a count of the number of times a ministry or area was mentioned in the survey. No indication of sentiment. NOTE: The Administration area are those topics that were one-offs that did not correspond to another ministry or area.

A graph view of the overall sentiment of your responses to the survey. The majority are positive responses and few areas of improvement opportunities. We are grateful for the improvement opportunities to aid us in moving to the next level. The improvement opportunities are being considered and/or addressed.

A lower-level view of survey sentiment by ministry/area.

These are the topics with the most mentions in the survey which indicates importance to the True Vine ministry as a whole. The actionable topics from this list will move to the next phase of the strategic planning process for evaluation.

We are listening. These topics have already been implemented. They were great ideas and low level of effort or already in progress at the time of the survey. We will keep you updated periodically on our progress.